So, here’s a confession.
For a writer working on a blog about healthy and active lifestyles and wellbeing - you’d think I’d be quite well up on meditation as a form of good mental health.
But, I have never tried it.
For a number of reasons, I suppose.
One, it just didn’t seem my ‘thing’ or to appeal. Two, I didn’t seem to think I had the time. Three, probably, in truth, felt quite stupid doing and dressed it up as being too ‘fluffy’ for me.
I guess with running and motorbikes being my ‘thing’ the idea of meditation was never fast enough for me.
However, the more and more I hear about it (even my husband who worked on an oil rig does it sometimes) and what it actually entails, I started to think this could help me out a little in life right now.
For weeks, probably months I have felt tired, stressed, constantly busy with a headache and maybe not quite myself.
But, I can’t put my finger on it and realistically it is probably more to do with having moved house three times this year (it is a long story), changed jobs twice and taken on a two year-old Border Collie in addition to having an older dog who has been to the vets more times in the last six months than she has in the last 16 years.
But, I have no reason to feel like this. I am healthy, happily married, have the job of my dreams, have great friends and family and I live by the sea.
However, I am aware (I will admit to you but not to him) that maybe said husband has taken the brunt and I need to find a way to flick the off button and relax a little.
I didn’t know where to start really so armed with (obviously) a YouTube tutorial I had a ten minute crash course with S. N. Goenka who was an Indian teacher of Vipassanā meditation.
I’m not sure what I was expecting, but it wasn’t this.
It seemed so simple - basically close your eyes and breathe. There has to be more to it than this, I thought.

Even watching the tutorial video was relaxing to be honest.
The idea is focusing on breathing and nothing else but I haven’t quite grasped this yet. I am there thinking I need to finish my work, walk the dog, need something for tea from the supermarket and that it is absolutely chucking it down outside.
So, I am not going to the top of the class this week.
However, when I did focus on just breathing and let myself follow the calm and simple instructions of Goenka, it was almost tangible that I could start to feel the day and all that goes with it almost physically just lifting itself off my shoulders a little bit.
I know this is not meditation as it should be, but even if, in such a busy lifestyle, I can manage a few minutes of this - I might be onto something.